Technology, culture(s) technology(ies) and popular education in times of globalization. Between single thought and the new critics (initial words of a theme under construction)

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The author presents technology as a form of culture, which in turn corresponds to a certain level of development of the human. Following the history of the development of tools, arrives to the moment when it appears with strength the distinction between nature and technology, giving rise to technological products. It posits that capitalism is a particular way of understanding technology, and describes its main concepts. Then develops the changes in the working sphere up to its current precarization and the changes it entails in different areas. He completes his argument by analyzing its impact on education, particularly in popular education.

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Marco  Raúl Mejía

Author Biography

Marco  Raúl Mejía

Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, Maestría en Educación y Desarrollo.

Mejía, M. R. (2018). Technology, culture(s) technology(ies) and popular education in times of globalization. Between single thought and the new critics (initial words of a theme under construction). Polis (Santiago), (7).


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