The complementarity science-art in building an integrated environmental discourse

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Looking to the twentieth century as a time of both construction and deconstruction, the author addresses the issue of pressures on the environment and states that the logic of knowing as dominance has prolonged in the logic both of domination as of destruction. Against this proposes that the question about the origins can enlighten us on some mistakes that led us here, allowing us to redirect the modes of thought and action that could help to overcome this state of global conflict in which the twenty-first century has installed us. She also warns us about the oblivion of the idea of interdependence that implies the establishment of boundaries, and proposes the integration of borders, particularly between art and science, from which would emerge a light for integrated environmental discourse.

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María Novo

Author Biography

María Novo

Poeta. Artista plástica. Doctora en Filosofía y CC. Educación. Directora del Proyecto ECOARTE y de la Cátedra UNESCO de Educación Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

Novo, M. (2018). The complementarity science-art in building an integrated environmental discourse. Polis (Santiago), (7).


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