A layer of marine hunter-gatherers in the coastal terrace of Low Patache, South of Iquique. Archaeological and geographical study

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This paper presents important new findings on the terrace at the foot of coastal mist oases, from November 2003, which together with previous studies form a fairly complete picture of settlement patterns, modus vivendi, customs and economic activities of the ancient inhabitants of northern coastal Chile, to reaffirm the great importance that acquired the ecosystem of coastal mist oases in the way of life, types of settlement and displacement of hunter-gatherers of the north coast marine.

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Horacio Larrain
Flavia Velásquez F.
Pedro Lázaro B.
Pilar Cereceda T.
Pablo Osses M.
Luis Pérez R.
Larrain, H., Velásquez F., F., Lázaro B., P., Cereceda T., P., Osses M., P., & Pérez R., L. (2018). A layer of marine hunter-gatherers in the coastal terrace of Low Patache, South of Iquique. Archaeological and geographical study. Polis (Santiago), (7). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2004-N7-279


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