Democracy and market

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The author proposes to visualize how the asymmetries in market economies today have given different scenarios of trade-off between economic and social, being thus questioned the real ability to create spaces for democratic participation, those who are confronted with a reality that constantly denies the fundamental rights of individuals. He asks then if democracy is the antithesis of capitalism and argues that the welfare state represents a stage of reconciliation. Finally explores various proposals of  third ways: neo-Keynesianism, post-capitalism and social democracy.

Article Details

Mauricio  Andrés Ramírez Gómez

Author Biography

Mauricio  Andrés Ramírez Gómez

Sociólogo y  economista. Magister en Estudios políticos, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín. Docente Departamento de Economía, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín. Miembro fundador de la Asociación Antioqueña de Filosofía Política.

Ramírez Gómez, M. A. (2018). Democracy and market. Polis (Santiago), (7).


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