Insecurities, fears and concerns. An approach to the notion of justice and injustice in young neighborhoods of the great Buenos Aires

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People´s perception of justice and injustice has been subject to an evident reformulation, largely due to the process of socio-economic transformation, the changes in the structure of opportunities provided by the State and the labour market, crisis of the institutional framework from which norms and values were internalized, and collapse of the social structures that granted individuals with equality and security rights. This article undertakes the purpose of developing, from a critical perspective, an analysis of such processes and their implications for the notions of justice among young members of tehe lower class and the empoverished middle classes, in the context of their political practices. This study attempts to understand young people´s conceptualization of justice and injustice, which is closely connected with the sphere of protected rights and necessities as well as the methods for the distribution of goods.

Article Details

Damián Corral
Pedro Núñez

Author Biographies

Damián Corral

Docente e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.

Pedro Núñez

Docente e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.

Corral, D., & Núñez, P. (2018). Insecurities, fears and concerns. An approach to the notion of justice and injustice in young neighborhoods of the great Buenos Aires. Polis (Santiago), (11).


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