Prohibition, social groups "at risk" and institutional authoritarianism: social censorship towards “micro drug-dealers”

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The penalization of the “micro drug dealer” in chilean law causes an increase of institutional violence, at symbolical and material level, against marginal sectors of the population. ¿Which topics -“common places”- give ground to this legislative change? The concepts of “drug” and “drug-addict” themselves lie within the “rhetorical prohibicionist sphere” closed between the political horizons of criminalization and/or medicalization. So, in this article, the author argues about the necessity of openning the “rhetorical prohibicionist sphere” in order to develop a socio-juridical culture of drugs based on the depenalization and legalization of its use.

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Paolo Scalia

Author Biography

Paolo Scalia

Criminólogo, Master Europeo (MA) “Sistema Penal y Problemas Sociales” de la Universidad de Barcelona, Diploma de Estudios Superiores en Sociología del Derecho en el IISJL de Oñati (Euskadi), Licenciado en Derecho de la Universidad de Bologna (Italia). Actualmente se desempeña como Supervisor del Centro de Extensión Comunitaria “Yungay” de la Universidad Bolivariana de Santiago.

Scalia, P. (2018). Prohibition, social groups "at risk" and institutional authoritarianism: social censorship towards “micro drug-dealers”. Polis (Santiago), (11).


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