Self-regulation as a complex process of learning of the peninsular individual

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The process of learning in an adult is different from that which takes place inchildhood; the adult has a ground of acquisitions to which he is able to integrate thenew knowledge and assume his learning as an elective processrealeted to his motivations and interests. The adult as “bio-psico-sociological” totality feels, lives, acts and offers meaning to what he learns, as a part ofreality and the paradigm in which he is inserted. To consider him a separate entity in regards to the complex reality he represents, is to separate his nature and condemn him to bethe lack of understanding of his own rationality. To conceive a process of self-regulation in the learning of an individual, is to recognize in him the capacity to taking responsability for that being he represents; recognize him able to respond for himself, others, and the whole of his life andexistence, being respectful of the process that reveals him as an entity which is -by its own nature- unique and unrepeatable.

Article Details

Luz  Marina Pereira González

Author Biography

Luz  Marina Pereira González

Ingeniera Civil. Ingeniera de Sistemas. Magíster Scientiae en Recursos de Aguas y Tierras, mención Obras Hidráulicas. Doctora en Educación, mención Currículum. Profesora titular de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela.

Pereira González, L. M. (2018). Self-regulation as a complex process of learning of the peninsular individual. Polis (Santiago), (11).


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