The "new world order" between the dispersion of power and hegemony

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The article proceeds to the analysis of the historical process that allows the formation of the hegemonic position of the United States of North America on the international system and the role in it of the Cold War’s end and the development of a unique economic model. Next analyses the policies elaborated from the ideological position of the so-called ‘neocons’ with the arrival of the administration of William W. Bush to the command of the state. Then it refers that once these policies took effect, they have had negative consequences to the hegemony and conduced to geopolitical developments that erode the position of the United States. Last it analyses the messo and micro powers that have become a reality in the global landscape, who contribute to a still further erosion of the north american hegemonic position.

Article Details

Benjamín Herrera Chaves

Author Biography

Benjamín Herrera Chaves

Profesor universitario, Director de la Maestría en Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.

Herrera Chaves, B. (2018). The "new world order" between the dispersion of power and hegemony. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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