After developmentalism and globalization, what?

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The XXth century has been a period of essays and errors in what refers to the search of a solution to the economic backwardness of the southern countries. Due to this, one of the strongest intelectual currents of second after world war and decolonization period emerged: development. The purpose, in other words, was to reach developement startin from the own economies of these countries, and not as an impossition coming from the metropolis of the “pan-european” world. Nevertheless, starting out in the seventies, and in conjunction with the petrolium schock, this model suffers erosion and a simultanious assault of the free market and capitalist opening theoreticians. The development paradigm changed then, once again, in 180º. Only by the end of the nighties, and due to the asian markets crisis, the fissures of the new Globalization appeared in the open, giving and opportunity to a new social movement, representing the interest of the World Social Forum could take the representation of southern countries. The strategies and attainments of this new current are at present developement and should, at least, learn from the historical experience and of previous efforts.

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Immanuel Wallerstein

Author Biography

Immanuel Wallerstein

Senior Research Scholar en la Universidad de Yale y Director Emérito del Centro Fernand Braudel.

Wallerstein, I. (2018). After developmentalism and globalization, what?. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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