The role of political integration of ethics in civil society

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The ethical practices, specially the civic or citizen ones, are showing with clarity that tne economical and political development of the State should go hand by hand  with the fulfilment of principles and norms of public morality. In a society which is becoming every day more globalized in the direction of a domain of the technical reasoning, it is necessary to give an ethical orientation the rationality of our human actions towards social goals much more just, equitable and democratic. The Greek ideal of the “res publica” still compromises the modern State with the practice of ethical values. Without them, the governability of society becomes much more conflictive, instead of tolerant and consensuated. The incorporation of ethical norms moral principles on public policies of the social State, is increasingly legitimate, if one wants that the State fulfils its role  of social integration as it should.

Article Details

Álvaro  B. Márquez-Fernández

Author Biography

Álvaro  B. Márquez-Fernández

Filósofo. Doctor en filosofía de la Universidad de París. Profesor-investigador del Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas y el de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Director de la revista Utopía y praxis latinoamericana, de dicha universidad.

Márquez-Fernández,Álvaro B. (2018). The role of political integration of ethics in civil society. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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