Person-centred helping system program for deviant social groups. Theoretical background and procedures

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Section: Lente de aproximación


In this paper the author describes the rationale of the “Person-Centred Helping Systems Program” which was developed to answer to the demands involved in the rehabilitation of socially excluded individuals of Oporto city. The main principles and components of the program will be described, together with the process of translating them into practice. Finally a critical reflection of the whole program, and expected future developments are addressed.

Article Details

Joao Marques-Teixeira

Author Biography

Joao Marques-Teixeira

Médico. Presidente de la Sociedad Portuguesa del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona y la Terapia Centrada en el Cliente, profesor de la Universidad de Porto.

Marques-Teixeira, J. (2018). Person-centred helping system program for deviant social groups. Theoretical background and procedures. Polis (Santiago), (15).


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