The comprehension of the act of listening in school education in reference to the Reflexive philosophy of Paul Ricoeur

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The last researches on public schools as well as recent events performed by students in Chile, unveil the existence of two worlds spinning independently in the same territory, the school: the adults world and the students world. This essay proposes the creation of a circle of understanding, where its meaning would be the mutual trust between youth and adults; trust which needs to be built through the language of listening.It is the person itself, who, by narrating him/herself, listens to him/herself, and by listening, he/she understands him/herself, connecting him/herself with the sense of his/her school life.

Article Details

Teresa Ríos Saavedra

Author Biography

Teresa Ríos Saavedra

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación (PUC), Profesora de la Universidad de Chile y de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano.

Ríos Saavedra, T. (2018). The comprehension of the act of listening in school education in reference to the Reflexive philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. Polis (Santiago), (15).


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