Human rights and guaranty rule on the mosaic legislation

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


Many people understand the human rights subject and the guarantees as a conquest of modern societies, a way of thinking linked to Ilustration and movements born under the French Revolution. Thus, old civilizations have been seen as a non evolutioned age concerning this subject, in wich barbarism and cruelty seems to speak more than sanity. However, there were old civilizations which wouldn’t envy modern societies based on legislation that uphold human rights as a struggle emblem and a sign of distinction. One of these civilizations is the hebrew and its mosaic law legislation.

The present article seeks to answer if mosaic legislation had a convenient statute on human rights subjects, if these rights were effectively consagrated and respected, being the law not only a matter of prescriptions but also a possible guaranty rule for these rights. In consequence, it searches a possible constitutionality in the mosaic system and a regime of guarantees.

Article Details

Edison Carrasco Jiménez

Author Biography

Edison Carrasco Jiménez

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Abogado, Docente de Introducción al Derecho y Derecho Penal de la Universidad Bolivariana.

Carrasco Jiménez, E. (2018). Human rights and guaranty rule on the mosaic legislation. Polis (Santiago), (17).


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