The acceptation of Courcelle-Seneuil -Tocqueville’s follower- in Chile

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


Courcelle-Seneuil, French, humanist, economist, follower and admirer of Tocqueville, was in Chile for six years, was government’s counsellor, professor at the National Institute, and was admired by all because of his seriousness and experience. This scholar undertook contradictory roles: while an author as Lastarria translates him and often quotes him to fight the authoritarism of liberal governments who apply liberty only in the economic realm, on the other hand his students at the Institute set into practice, on an extremely liberal manner, his economic lessons when they undertook positions of responsibility. His rigidity pushed the country to a great economic crisis because of excessive economic liberalism. How is it possible that the same character and his teachings can be used to fight economic liberalism and on the other hand give origin to free-exchange postures, which are a precedent for neoliberalism?

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Cristina Hurtado

Author Biography

Cristina Hurtado

Investigadora. Doctora en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Paris VIII, Francia. Fue profesora durante veinte años del Departamento en Ciencias Políticas de la misma universidad.

Hurtado, C. (2018). The acceptation of Courcelle-Seneuil -Tocqueville’s follower- in Chile. Polis (Santiago), (17).


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