From multiversity to society-world: an educational proposal which makes the road as it walks

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


Traditional education conceived in separate compartments who flirt around the tree of science, has breed a decontextualized being, without an answering capacity to face the complexity of today’s world. The Real World Multiversity “Edgar Morin” undertakes the mission of teaching based on the postulates of Morin’s complex thought; but some definitions that can transcend the educational schemes of the simplifying paradigm are still lacking. The goal is to undertake the great shift that will make possible that the paradigmatic reform  will also imply a reform on minds and language, because naming the new with old words makes the shift difficult at an unconscious level. Overcoming the blockades acquired by the education which has made us individuals disarticulated from our contexts is the great challenge for Multiversity.

Article Details

Luz  Marina Pereira González

Author Biography

Luz  Marina Pereira González

Ingeniera Civil. Ingeniera de Sistemas. Magíster Scientiae en Recursos de Aguas y Tierras, mención Obras Hidráulicas. Doctora en Educación, mención Currículum. Profesora titular de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela. Presidenta del Nodo venezolano de Pensamiento Complejo “Conexus Edgar Morin”.

Pereira González, L. M. (2018). From multiversity to society-world: an educational proposal which makes the road as it walks. Polis (Santiago), (17).


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