Theological sciences ant the concept of paradigm

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The author states that the importance of bringing up the concept of paradigm in the realm of theology springs both from the christian pursuit of the Kingdom announced by Jesus, as well as from the axiom which says that “most problems cannot be solved at the same level they are formulated” –to which theological science does not escape. Starting from there, he proposes to meditate on the beginnings of paradigms in the history of theology; why theologists and the magistery accepted them, and why they changed in certain epochs.

Article Details

Luis Pérez Aguirre 

Author Biography

Luis Pérez Aguirre 

Graduado en Filosofía y Teología y Sociología, fue ordenado sacerdote jesuita en 1970.

Pérez Aguirre , L. (2018). Theological sciences ant the concept of paradigm. Polis (Santiago), (17).


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