Feminine Participation in Politics. Councilwomen Experiences in the province of Bio Bio, period 2004-2008

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


From seven councilwomen elected in the province of Bio Bio, 8th region, in 1996, the figure increased up to twenty two elected in 2004. If well the figure can be seen as not too significant, it thus shows an important advancement achieved by women in a sphere of difficult access as is the  world of politics.

This document intends to explain feminine participation in politics, through the experiences of fifteen councilwomen from the province of Bio Bio, all of then from different communes and of different political positions, but with common elements such as their difficulties both in entrance and permanency in the political field, to a large extent due to the lack of accumulated symbolic capital which places them in a disadvantaged position in regards to men.

Article Details

Carmen  Claudia Acuña

Author Biography

Carmen  Claudia Acuña

Socióloga. Magister en Investigación Social y Desarrollo.

Acuña, C. C. (2018). Feminine Participation in Politics. Councilwomen Experiences in the province of Bio Bio, period 2004-2008. Polis (Santiago), (19). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2008-N19-564


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