Biofuels: a strategy for development or for a sustainable lucrative market

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Section: Lente de aproximación


This paper aims to analyze theoretical existing incompatibilities between the concept (and / or principles) of sustainable development and biofuels production based on the agribusiness model. In the first item we describe the main alerts issued through the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Report highlighting: a) the influence and role of human activities in the global warming process and environmental pollution, and b) the cost of opportunity in reducing CO2 emissions. In the second item we point out the major foreign investors interested in biofuels production, placing some reflections regarding this “profitably sustainable” business. As last consideration, we deny the absolute belief on free market as the best source for innovation and learning in order to develop viable and environmentally sustainable energetic alternatives.

Article Details

Lázaro  Camilo Recompensa Joseph
Benedito Dias Pereira
Arturo Zabala Zabala
Alexandre de Melo Farias
Pedro Ramos
Recompensa Joseph, L. C., Dias Pereira, B., Zabala Zabala, A., de Melo Farias, A., & Ramos, P. (2018). Biofuels: a strategy for development or for a sustainable lucrative market. Polis (Santiago), 7(21).


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