Towards a new latinamerican integrationist thought: an aproach to a second level reading

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This article analyzes the problem of Latin-American integration that has been raised throughout two centuries by different generations of thinkers, either intellectuals or politicians, creating a rich thought that is valuable by itself. However, the political project has not been able to be completed. Besides, facing this thought (since 1989 onwards) to an international reality even more complex, a question comes up due to its relevance. A re-reading is suggested about Latin-American thought in connection to the intellectual and disciplinary trends that have surfaced in (or about) Latin America in the last decades.

Once the 20th century starts, we find a great volume of integrational thinker’s works drawn up in the region, but which are not equivalent to the socio-political Latin American reality. Although political agreements have come up in which the most relevant have been ALALC, PACTO ANDINO, ALADI, MERCOSUR, UNASUR, these have not been able to turn into an effective continental community.

This contribution is studied thoroughly in the search for a new Latin American thought that takes into account the current internal phenomenon in the region (result of the comprehensive and decentralized processes) and the new ways of international action.

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Sergio González Miranda
Cristian Ovando Santana
González Miranda, S., & Ovando Santana, C. (2018). Towards a new latinamerican integrationist thought: an aproach to a second level reading. Polis (Santiago), 7(21).


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