From competition to complementation. A new paradigm in economy?

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


Under a pretence of humanism, the ideological energies of the system pursue that the marginalized accept that capitalism one and its market economy are the only alternative, so they will decline to fight for a better world while they believe they are preserving their cultural values.  Although at present the western world promotes complementation and solidarity as main values for  economic processes, it is no more than a discursive rhetoric which is going to change nothing as long as the philosophical bases that maintain to the capitalist system mutate, since commercial and social relations are based in the antagonism and competition.  The social appeal to do “another possible world” requires the paradigmatic reconfiguration of economics, among others, to make possible the constitution of a multicultural and plurieconomic society, in which different modalities of production and consumption can selfdetermine according to the diverse worldviews which live within it.  Our contribution to this purpose is the proposal of an inter and intracultural economy.  

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Graciela Mazorco Irureta
Mazorco Irureta, G. (2018). From competition to complementation. A new paradigm in economy?. Polis (Santiago), 7(21).


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