The learning process management. Some questions and answers in regards the development of thinking in students

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The management of learning is a work which reflects the educational task of educators that have the responsibility to form to the human being in the society of knowledge, under the viewpoint of the critic-reflexive education that will permit human beings to be inserted efficiently in society.  The changing condition of contemporary world gives the concept of learning a more extensive dimension, and demands that it be handled in function of the changes in the meaning of experience, so humans can  develop up to the behaviors of these time in which we live and not up to the previous, in which learning was the symbol of the one who knew more.  Learning is today something which is in close connection with cognitive and emotional formation, as well as on values and motricity, springing from the holistic vision which is required to see phenomena with a wither perspective that will allow us to see the process that opens before us as a complexity which can be measured exactly for what it is.  The management of the process of learning is what is required in order to achieve these purposes.  

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Santos Soubal Caballero
Soubal Caballero, S. (2018). The learning process management. Some questions and answers in regards the development of thinking in students. Polis (Santiago), 7(21).


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