About the reconstitution of critical thought

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The article indicates that there does not exist such rupture between the thought of young Marx and the Marx of The Capital, sustained by various authors which have thus transformed Marx’s humanism in an empty structuralism.  It claims, thus, the deep ethics existing in all the work of Charles Marx.  It maintains that the historic materialism of Marx has as its starting point exactly the presence of an absence of direct human relations, that is made evident as a dehumanization of the human being in the structures of present capitalist domination relations, and that these structures are the mirror in which this absence is revealed.  It ‘proposes, as a road for the reconstruction of critical thought, the recognition of the impossibility of what is absent, which is  present in the structures of domination.  It affirms that what’s impossible cannot be transformed, in the name of what is “not yet” in an end to be reached, but translated and made present by means of the change of structures, which frees us for freedom as social self-determination and opens us a space of possibilities s among which one must elect and wcich are not predetermined.  

Article Details

Franz Hinkelammert
Hinkelammert, F. (2018). About the reconstitution of critical thought. Polis (Santiago), 7(21). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2008-N21-611


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