About processes of self-management and working recollectivization in todays’ Argentina

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This paper presents a characterization of the process of working self-management that occurred in Argentina from 1990 to 2006, focusing specially on “Companies Recovered by Workers”. The analysis employs a number of analytical dimensions that examine this process with reference to previous self-management experiences. We argue that these experiences can be studied as working re-collectivization processes, whose beginning and development is situated in scenarios in which deep processes of social, economic and political un-collectivization are occurring. These aforementioned dimensions related to the process of re-collectivization assume the exposition of arguments around the following interpretative elements: the reconstruction of a collective working space and experience, which recovered part of the wage-earning history of workers; the reconfiguration of sociability links inside the productive space; and the relation with social and union organizations which represent the interests of the workers of the recovered companies.

Article Details

Gabriela Wyczykier
Wyczykier, G. (2018). About processes of self-management and working recollectivization in todays’ Argentina. Polis (Santiago), 8(24). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N24-92


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