Educational deterritorialization for the Society of Knowledge University

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Three gnoseologies for the  Society of Knowledge University: the first one starts with the consideration that the school word and the existence’s word, both loaded with old paradigms, have transformed into dead silence and are no longer creative silence. Therefore, to play chaordic deconceptualization emerges as one of the ways to learn to unlearn; discarding certainties by the act of unlearning(ourselves). The second one postulates tearing down the disciplinary walls of the classroom in order to create an Area in which, Rhizomatically, Cogno-existential and experiential learning Acquisition (ARCA) is co-intertwined between cartographer-teachers and creactors-arqueontesin a classroom of/from/for Complexity. The third one states that cogknowledge as a praxis of Complexity re-links, articulates/disarticulates/rearticulates in a chaordically spiralitically cogno-consciously fashion, going from order to chaos to order, from stating to dissenting while paradoxing or metaphoring, in a continuous and permanent construction/deconstruction of meanings. Such multi-inter-trans-epistemicstrategies for cogno-meta-chaordicallylearning/unlearning/relearning are conceived as ways to carry oneself, to learn and to co-exist in an onto-trans-epistemic way.

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Raiza Andrade
Raizabel Méndez
Don  Rodrigo Martínez
Andrade, R., Méndez, R., & Martínez, D. R. (2018). Educational deterritorialization for the Society of Knowledge University. Polis (Santiago), 9(25).


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