Epistemologic foundations for the outline of a complex pedagogy

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In this article we synthetically set out the principles that give form to the epistemological proposal of Morin, denominated complex thought, referential thinking or conceptual platform that allows us to outline provisionally a complex pedagogy, understood as a learning modality that can be assumed by the subject in any stage of his existence. In essential terms, complex pedagogy is articulated starting from a relocation of the participants implied in the process, positioning them as protagonists of the same, including thus this position the complexity of the manifold variables that interact in the behavior of human being. This outline or initial design has as a goal to settle in the research agenda within the scope of education, to be discussed and to be improved, for the benefit of the processes of learning in a harmonic and solidary communitarian context.

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Jorge Brower Beltramin
Brower Beltramin, J. (2018). Epistemologic foundations for the outline of a complex pedagogy. Polis (Santiago), 9(25). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2010-N25-672


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