Street and writing as area and field of action. The testimony of Carolina María de Jesús, woman, black and recollector

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


In the light of the testimony of Carolina Maria de Jesus, an early cartonera of Canindé’s favela, in Sao Paulo, whom writing her diary of life in the same sheets of paper that she was gathering in the streets, ends offering the most crude and vivid testimony of  life in the favela, in this article her testimony and the writing is examined as another modality of political practice, starting from the concept of social and political fields of action, and its problematización in regards the collective character of its content, her explicit interest to make it public, and the inadequacy, among other elements, of the categories with which the phenomenon of participation of man and women  is observed and distinguished.

Article Details

Leonardo Piña Cabrera
Piña Cabrera, L. (2018). Street and writing as area and field of action. The testimony of Carolina María de Jesús, woman, black and recollector. Polis (Santiago), 9(25).


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