Public policies and State in Brazil: economic, social and environmental impacts in the development of the municipality of Sorriso in Mato Grosso (Brazil)

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This paper aims to describe and analyze in general the different mechanisms and elements of public policy that “facilitated” the movement and / or expansion of soybean farmers in the State of Mato Grosso, specifically in the municipality of Sorriso; and what were the main economic, social and environmental impacts. The work is structured in four parts. The first characterizes and describes the main mechanisms of public policy that favored the expansion and / or occupation of soy in Mato Grosso State, the second highlights the main environmental and social consequences attached to this model of production, the third places the need for “public policy advocacy” and organizational models as arrangements, and innovative and productive systems capable of generating local economic, social and environmental conditions. And finally the conclusions are presented.

Article Details

Lázaro  Camilo Recompensa  Joseph
Benedito Dias Pereira
Vanisa  Raquel Scheuer Graff
Rosana Guimaraes
Joseph, L. C. R., Dias Pereira, B., Scheuer Graff, V. R., & Guimaraes, R. (2018). Public policies and State in Brazil: economic, social and environmental impacts in the development of the municipality of Sorriso in Mato Grosso (Brazil). Polis (Santiago), 10(30).


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