The urban projection of a creative person: Victor Jara and the song “Las Casitas del Barrio Alto”

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The urban phenomena are object of complex quantitative models, which intend to explain the emergence of future tendencies. In a similar way, the intuition works with some visionaries, whose quality to perceive what is to come, approaches them to reality in a different manner. This is the case of Victor Jara, whose song The Small houses of the Rich neighbourhood” is the object of this study through a critical analysis of the discourse. In this research, one can see that Victor Jara, in this song, has the capacity to anticipate the future, expressing the characteristics of post dictatorial urban Chile.

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Laura Y. Rodríguez
Rodríguez, L. Y. (2018). The urban projection of a creative person: Victor Jara and the song “Las Casitas del Barrio Alto”. Polis (Santiago), 10(30).


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