Observing partnership between nonprofit organizations and State organizations

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The progressive transfer of responsibilities in social service implementation from state to nongovernmental actors, brings a demand to the same state, who instead of reducing its labor, should develop adequate mechanisms of regulation to ensure efficiency in social offer, in order to satisfy citizens demands in those public political commitments. Likewise, public institutions should recognize the demands from the private world to act articulated towards common goals, which ultimately would lead to a horizon of development of a more egalitarian society. This study reports on the tensions revealed by social services authorities serving vulnerable people, in regards to their collaborative relationship with Non Profit Organizations, in order to reach that horizon.

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Carolina Muñoz Guzmán
Paula Miranda Sánchez
Rodrigo Flores Guerrero
Muñoz Guzmán, C., Miranda Sánchez, P., & Flores Guerrero, R. (2018). Observing partnership between nonprofit organizations and State organizations. Polis (Santiago), 11(32). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2012-N32-866


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