Twenty five years in search of a new social paradigm: lessons learned

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In this paper we think back over a two decade long discussion on the concept of sociocultural paradigm and of a model that gives account of its rise and change. In dialog with the theme of Polis’ invitation, we offer a discussion based on the knowledge we have gathered integrating -in an epistemologically coherent way- the biology of knowledge, the sociology of knowledge, and Luhmann’s theory of social systems. We argue that the distinction between the sociocultural paradigm and other levels of scientific paradigms -either dominant or alternatives- will help clarify the theoretical context that will allow to design with greater possibilities of success, viable social intervention strategies.

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Cecilia Dockendorff
Dockendorff, C. (2018). Twenty five years in search of a new social paradigm: lessons learned. Polis (Santiago), 11(33).


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