Minimal gestures and pedagogy of differences

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This essay opens like a possibility to talk about gestures, words and images as politics and poetics in the area of pedagogics of differences. Thus, as an entry, it presents some questions of this field of study, moved by the very tension between juridical discourse and the ethic passion unfolded as effects of everyday events on otherness. After this tense opening I present intensely the concept of minimal gestures through four expressive possibilities of four pedagogical gestures: the image, the narrative and the poetic (perception) of the gesture. A gesture. A minimal gesture. An event that irrupts and provokes experience in the educational field: its presence comes before; before any reform of the laws, of any didactic proposition, any curricula adaptation, any political-pedagogical project. The gesture precedes these movements: its a composition and a passageway between all of them.

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Anelice Ribetto
Ribetto, A. (2018). Minimal gestures and pedagogy of differences. Polis (Santiago), 13(37).


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