Rancière’s critique of modern education. Notes for a discussion about the plots on pedagogy

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Recognizing the crisis in education and the need in current contexts of open reflection on modern institutionalized pedagogical frame, some of the principles developed by Ranciere in “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” are discussed. In particular, the paradox of the principle of social equality proclaimed by the Enlightenment project and its relation to inequality of intelligences legitimized by institutionalized pedagogy and "the explainer method" of teaching, as administrator of social and intellectual inequalities. From a pedagogical analysis, the text outstands the value and incidence that the learning among equals can reach, the text as a meeting point for the emancipation and the need to enhance the educational experience and revisit the critical view on educational thinking and educational practice springing from adjusted critical approaches, from the action, and open to a transitive reasoning to enhance thinking and the generation of a proper pedagogical knowledge.

Article Details

Graciela Rubio
Rubio, G. (2018). Rancière’s critique of modern education. Notes for a discussion about the plots on pedagogy. Polis (Santiago), 13(37). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2014-N37-1015


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