The denouncement of eurocentrism in Latin American social thought and the problematic of the universality of knowledge

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From sociology, the interest in the conceptual dimension of Latin American social thought has been criticized of having a theoretical deficiency en regards the capacities that the scientific status of the discipline defines: the description of an object of knowledge postulated as universal. To give an idea of how this critic is framed, on this essay we rest on the readings of Daniel Chernilo and Aldo Mascareño (2005) that enables the initial treatment of the problem. We then focus on decolonial thought rescuing its radical critic to the claims of universality of reason. In efforts to propose an opened discussion, we finally introduce the distinction between social theory and sociological theory to end with a query that leaves the discussion open.

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Sergio Caba
Gonzalo García
Caba, S., & García, G. (2018). The denouncement of eurocentrism in Latin American social thought and the problematic of the universality of knowledge. Polis (Santiago), 13(38).


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