Intercultural Higher Education in dispute. Paths of the Amawtay Wasi Intercultural University

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Section: Lente de aproximación


This paper describes and analyzes which are they, and how are transformed, the relationships between the State of Ecuador -emphasizing the government of Rafael Correa- and the Intercultural University Wasi Amawtay (UIAW), as institution articulated to indigenous social organization, regarding the setting up of intercultural higher education and the construction of interculturality as political discourse and operational program in Ecuador. Through a description of the epistemological and political project of UIAW, and clarifying a timeline of the changing relationships between the state and the UIAW, the article states how a political field has been built in Ecuador that makes impossible interculturality as dialoging universality today.

Article Details

Paola Vargas Moreno
Vargas Moreno, P. (2018). Intercultural Higher Education in dispute. Paths of the Amawtay Wasi Intercultural University. Polis (Santiago), 13(38).


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