Occupational segregation and gender: trends and challenges relating to the labor market of health and education in Chile

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


In recent decades there has been an increase in female labor participation in Chile. In this context, access to this segment of the population to decision-making and leadership are studied. Taking into account the foundations of the theory of occupational segregation by gender (Anker 1997; Anker / Melkas / Korten 2003; Leitner 2001) various secondary sources of information provided by private and government organizations nationwide were systematized and analyzed. This chapter discusses the results specifically related to education and health sectors, given the high participation of female labor force who currently serves in both sectors.

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Ana Cárdenas
Natalia Correa
Ximena Prado
Cárdenas, A., Correa, N., & Prado, X. (2018). Occupational segregation and gender: trends and challenges relating to the labor market of health and education in Chile. Polis (Santiago), 13(38). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2014-N38-1053


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