Aspirations and projects for the future of high school students of technical- professional studies: Is a diversified high school education system valid?

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This article analyzes the aspirations and expectations for the future of high school seniors majoring in technical-professional studies by means of a representative sample of educational centers in the city of Santiago. Mid-level technical education has been defined as an alternative that allow an earlier entry into the labor market for students who are completing their high school studies. However, in recent years there has been an increase in graduates who choose higher education and are posponing entry into the labor market. A comparative analysis of student’s aspirations and projects for the future has disclosed a diversified rationale and an adjustment in young people's expectations. The differences with their peers who have followed scientific-humanities majors are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn as regards the outlook for the future of high school professional technical studies in the country based on the experience of new generations of students.

Article Details

Leandro Sepúlveda
María  José Valdebenito

Author Biography

María  José Valdebenito, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Investigador del Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación, CIDE.
Sepúlveda, L., & Valdebenito, M. J. (2018). Aspirations and projects for the future of high school students of technical- professional studies: Is a diversified high school education system valid?. Polis (Santiago), 13(38).


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