Kaingang's well-being as a counterpoint to coloniality and development

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This article analyzes the aspects that constituted colonialism and the coloniality of power; knowledge and being, and how this model continues to operate in the hegemonic logic of development, where gender, race, and class have been established as the basis for the hierarchization and classification of people, a process in which the women from these colonized peoples have been the most subordinated. The Kaingang’s well-living, on the other hand, presents a different style. It is the Kaingang women from the Mangueirinha Indigenous land, in Paraná, who criticize the violence suffered due to development policies upon their territory, through their practices and narratives. This article is based on an ethnographic research conducted on them, between 2017 and 2021.


Article Details

Eliana Piaia
Josiane Karine Wedig

Author Biography

Josiane Karine Wedig, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Assistente Social, funcionária pública no município de Chopinzinho  - PR desde 2011, com especialização em Direito e Políticas Públicas pela Universidade do Centro Oeste do Paraná, mestranda em Desenvolvimento Regional pela Universidade Téecnológica Federal do Paraná.
Piaia, E., & Wedig, J. K. (2022). Kaingang’s well-being as a counterpoint to coloniality and development. Polis (Santiago), 21(62). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2022-N62-1626


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