Popular Actions led by Women in Combating the COVID-19 pandemic: the Cases of Vila Moscou and the Oziel Park Complex (Campinas/SP)

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The COVID-19 pandemic, understood as an environmental disaster, has generated intense international efforts to contain it. Brazil is one of the most affected countries by this crisis, which triggered numerous popular initiatives to deal with its consequences. This article aims to present experiences carried out by women from Vila Moscow and the Parque Oziel complex, informal settlements in the city of Campinas, State of São Paulo, against the pandemic’s effects. Based on these case studies, we conducted a critical analysis of the National Policy of Civil Defense and Protection regarding popular participation. As a result, we conclude that listening to women and community involvement can make disaster management policies and plans more effective and therefore, generate territorial improvements and minimize the urban-environmental vulnerabilities experienced by the population.

Article Details

Julia Lopes da Silva
Patrícia Rodrigues Samora
Lopes da Silva, J., & Rodrigues Samora, P. (2021). Popular Actions led by Women in Combating the COVID-19 pandemic: the Cases of Vila Moscou and the Oziel Park Complex (Campinas/SP). Polis (Santiago), 20(60). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2021-N60-1656


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