The construction of the body of AIDS and its stigmas

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In this article it is assumed that the excluded and suffering body is constructed by the social structure in collusion with the subject and the groups that compose it. Those who suffer do not manage to include themselves in the imposed model, their being is imprisoned by a cultural construction that limits it. In Chile, in the 1980s -during the period of consolidation of the neo-liberal political and economic model- the construction of a particular subject of danger associated with a global pandemic began, which we call the body of AIDS. Body subject of suffering and exclusion; it transcends the internal terrorist enemy, and it whose appearance was positioned on the margin of society.This text gives account of the construction of AIDS body and its stigmas, through the revision of written press, between July-August 1984, when the first case in Chile appears.The article explores the relationship between regimes of visibility of bodies in the social context, evidenced in the media and by biomedical discourse, exhibited to terrorize and to justify their destruction. It is a description the market of stigma and the scope of the management of the terrorist body in the context of capitalism in a neoliberal key (biocapitalism). The daily situation of violence against stigmatized, denied and invisible bodies, exposed only only so that society knows the terror of joining those bodies that have their annihilation registered.

Article Details

Augusto Claudio Obando Cid
Olga Angélica Vásquez Palma
Obando Cid, A. C., & Vásquez Palma, O. A. (2020). The construction of the body of AIDS and its stigmas. Polis (Santiago), 19(55).


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