“Incivilities”. Notes on how nocturnal state intervention in Antofagasta downtown hardens “the borders”

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This article exposes reflections about the performativity of the concept of “incivilities” within the state intervention at Antofagasta’s downtown. Drawing on data produced in an ethnographic work, I conclude that the concept of “incivilities” contributes significantly to racialization and criminalization processes of immigrants in the downtown of the city. My conclusion: state night interventions are examples of how security discourses and practices operate. This dynamic represents city downtown as an insecure space.

Article Details

Clive Echagüe Alfaro
Echagüe Alfaro, C. (2019). “Incivilities”. Notes on how nocturnal state intervention in Antofagasta downtown hardens “the borders”. Polis (Santiago), 17(51). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2018-N51-1349


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