Youth and care: an analysis of the parenting and care practices of male parents in a popular neighborhood of Gran La Plata

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In the framework of our doctoral research on youth paternity in popular neighborhoods, in this article we present some findings and reflections on the care practices that young men develop in their homes, based on their own testimony. We investigate especially in the decisions and practices of taking care of their children, as well as in the distribution of tasks and their daily domestic practices. With that purpose, we conducted 40 semi-structured interviews with young resident parents of a popular neighborhood of Gran La Plata, Buenos Aires (Argentina) during the period 2013-2015. Although the responsibility for care continues to be focused on women, we maintain that the interviewees perform care practices (which we will call administrative and / or playful care). observing a greater involvement in parenting compared to their own parents.

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Cintia Hasicic
Hasicic, C. (2018). Youth and care: an analysis of the parenting and care practices of male parents in a popular neighborhood of Gran La Plata. Polis (Santiago), 17(50).


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