“I’m a normal dad”: Parenting experiences of gay men in Chile

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The identities of father and homosexual can be seen as mutually exclusive. The purpose of this paper is to explore how gay men in Chile experience parenting. In-depth interviews were conducted with fourteen men who self-identified as homosexual and had become fathers in a previous heterosexual relationship orwith a same-sex partner (through gestational surrogacy or a co-parenting agreement). The results show that gay fatherhood is not essentially different from heterosexual fatherhood. Two main differences were identified: a) homosexual fathers challenge cultural stereotypes that assume that a woman is necessary to raise a child and b) they develop strategies to protect their families from a hostile social environment. A heteronormative context that devaluates homosexuality directly influences the parenting experiences of gay men in Chile.  

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Florencia Herrera
Constanza Miranda
Yanko Pavicevic
Valentina Sciaraffia
Herrera, F., Miranda, C., Pavicevic, Y., & Sciaraffia, V. (2018). “I’m a normal dad”: Parenting experiences of gay men in Chile. Polis (Santiago), 17(50). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2018-N50-1307


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