No-power and fraternal federalist progressivism to overcome the presicratic left wing

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The left wing declines in Latin America due to the evident ending of the commodities boom and corruption scandals that demonstrate the power of co-optation by the oligarchic business powers. But there is a third cause that explains the other two: the crisis of a personalist and concentrated power that abuse of presidential power, of the evaporation of momentary wealth, and that sharpens the camarillas, centralizes and declines in a mix of paternalism, extractive dependence, lack of ability to create alliances, supremacy and tolerance to corruption. The Uruguayan Frente Amplio (Wide Front) and indigenous movements show ways of greater autonomy of business power, austerity, fraternity in style and collegial power without excessive personalization. The idea of no-power and organizational federalism in which social actors and plural political factions are linked seems to be the cultural change required by Latin American progressivism based on fraternity as a value.

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Esteban Valenzuela Van Treek
Valenzuela Van Treek, E. (2018). No-power and fraternal federalist progressivism to overcome the presicratic left wing. Polis (Santiago), 16(46).


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