In the tribe of scientists

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The text outlines the first known attempt to study -not guinea pigs, but- scientific activity in the wild. Latour wanted to study the "tribes of scientists and their production: science." Un the study they recognize that what defined primarily researchers of those biology laboratories was the reading and writing of texts, and not experimenting with guinea pigs. The lab was a tribe of readers and writers who considered that the main objective of their activity is producing papers; in short, that the key to scientific practice is the production of speeches, an then that it is not true that the scientific method is "objective" and finally a tribe of biologists in a lab is not intrinsically different from a Jivaro tribe in the Amazon.

Article Details

Marcelo Mendoza

Author Biography

Marcelo Mendoza

Periodista chileno, Ex Director de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Bolivariana y Doctor (c) en Sociología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Mendoza, M. (2018). In the tribe of scientists. Polis (Santiago), (1).


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