Sustainable development: implications in the processes of change

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The paper reviews the shortcomings in the context of the old mechanistic paradigm, and proposes a scientific challenge, which reconciles social and educational theory and action in pursuit of societies socially equitable and ecologically sustainable, through processes consistent with the ends we seek. In this, says, each person and each community must follow their own paths, in regards being respectful of diversity as a support for sustainability. It thus correspond to overcome a science divorced from the ethical issues as well as a model of unlimited growth, and lighten a new environmental paradigm that allows a life in harmony with all the existent.

Article Details

María Novo

Author Biography

María Novo

Dra. en Filosofía; titular de la Cátedra Unesco de Educación Ambiental de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de España y directora del máster en Educación Ambiental de dicha Universidad; Integrante del Comité Editorial Ampliado de la Revista Polis

Novo, M. (2018). Sustainable development: implications in the processes of change. Polis (Santiago), (5).


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