Utopia and democracy

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Section: Lente de aproximación


This article makes a counterpoint between these two concepts, questioning whether there is an irreducible antinomy between them, and aims to explore a conjunction between the exuberance of utopia and the sobriety of democracy. In its development, the author reviews the installed idea that utopia can only be totalitarian, and seeks to restore to utopia its capacity of movement. Delving into the concepts of democracy and utopia proposes a new connection between the two, placing democracy and utopia under the sign of the human.

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Miguel Abensour

Author Biography

Miguel Abensour

Filósofo francés, responsable de la Maîtrise de Science Politique à l'Université Paris-VII (Jussieu). Director de la colección "Critique de la Politique " de Payot. Se ha especializado en temas de utopía política.

Abensour, M. (2018). Utopia and democracy. Polis (Santiago), (6). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2003-N6-243


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