Charles Taylor: a comunitarian critique to political liberalism

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This paper examines the criticism that has made to liberalism the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. It arises the hypothesis that such criticism is based on a philosophy of communitarian nature, which can form the basis for a social life project other than the liberal. As part of this approach, it states the position of Taylor on the debate over that during the last twenty years or so has been developed between liberal and communitarian philosophers, especially in the Anglo world. From an overview of this discussion, it analyzes key aspects of Taylorist thinking.

Article Details

Carlos Donoso Pacheco

Author Biography

Carlos Donoso Pacheco

Periodista, Magíster de Filosofía Política de la Universidad de Santiago y Director de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Bolivariana.

Donoso Pacheco, C. (2018). Charles Taylor: a comunitarian critique to political liberalism. Polis (Santiago), (6).


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