The place for the metaphor of awareness in scientific thinking

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The author invites us to consider the paradox that, being a scientific paradigm as effectively demonstrable in so many ways, it has no place for conceiving mind and spirit, and that being science a way of understanding which is based on the creation of models or metaphors, damage occurs when we restrict these models and metaphors and treat them as the "true" description of reality. Against this, the article explores the possibility of incorporating alternative metaphors, especially the metaphor of consciousness, to bring with it a broader understanding of the world for science.

Article Details

Willis  W. Harman

Author Biography

Willis  W. Harman

Presidente del Instituto de Estudios Noéticos, Sausalito, California

Harman, W. W. (2018). The place for the metaphor of awareness in scientific thinking. Polis (Santiago), (6).


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