Feminism and gender discourse: preliminary reflections for a study on Latin American feminism

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After a panning on the dictionary over the concepts at stake in this article, the author states that feminism still has a meaning, and that its disappearance, by naming this a time of post-feminism is a fallacy; and that this like no other movement has so much compromised the subjective dimension of human beings. Then she recalls that feminism did not find solution in the perspective of class struggle, and reviews the criticism made to the gender discourse, which qualifies as constructive and deconstructive at the same time.

Article Details

Alejandra Restrepo
Restrepo, A. (2018). Feminism and gender discourse: preliminary reflections for a study on Latin American feminism. Polis (Santiago), (9). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2004-N9-320


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