Gender and sustainability: new concepts for the indigenous movement

Main Article Content

Section: Lente de aproximación


The article discusses the concepts of gender and sustainability, and then sees how they are perceived by the indigenous movement, and checks if in its appropriation it has or not gone beyond the theory. Then addresses the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation, challenging the indictment posed to natives of the environmental crisis in the world, and the consequent demand from rich countries to poor countries so that from this premise they should be the ones to solve the problem, while rich countries keep on destroying the ecosystem on the pretext of economic growth or even over its own concept of sustainable development.

Article Details

Lourdes Tibán Guala

Author Biography

Lourdes Tibán Guala

Dirigente indígena, Doctora en Leyes, Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Humano de Ecuador

Tibán Guala, L. (2018). Gender and sustainability: new concepts for the indigenous movement. Polis (Santiago), (9).


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